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Apr 23, 2020

Markets rise, fall, rise, fall, and then rise again. When long term bull markets hit their peak, and then fall into a bear market, it tends to shake out the investors who were just "playing" the market rather than taking it seriously. Throughout history, the worst bear markets were connected with economic recessions and depressions. Bear markets don't tend to last as long as bull markets. After a bear market, it becomes all about the SHAPE of the recovery. There are V shaped, U shaped, L shaped, and W shaped recoveries. What investors really want to know is: what will be the outcome and SHAPE of the current recovery, which is battling  the COVID 19 crisis? Today you'll get both education and insights on the history of market recoveries and what experts are anticipating in this very UNIQUE market situation. ...Don't  miss it...MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!