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May 28, 2015

Twenty years ago, investors found themselves in the middle of the biggest and longest sustained bull market of all time which began in 1983 and came to a halt in the spring of 2000. Those who retired in 1999 received a shock over the next 10 years. A bad sequence of returns followed and the S & P ran negative for a...

May 27, 2015

Nationally renowned Social Security expert Dr Laurence Kotlikoff joins the A-team to provide current answers on social security claiming strategies. With over 2,786 rules in the Social Security Rule Book, Dr. Kotlikoff's software system has simplified the claiming process. IQ Wealth is a licensee of the Kotlikoff...

May 26, 2015

How do fixed index annuities really work? Is your money at risk, or is your principal safe and protected at all times?  Most people are not aware that Fixed Index Annuities are more like fixed annuities than variable annuities. In fact, no no one has ever lost a penny to the market in any fixed index annuity from any...

May 21, 2015

The rising cost of long term care policies is becoming a growing problem. Premiums are rising, benefits shrinking. Steve and Sinclair review a recent Wall Street Journal article pointing out that over 7,000 policies were bought in 2000, but last year demand had fallen to 131,000 policies. We examine and...

May 20, 2015

Famous CPA and retirement strategist Ed Slott says that Stretch IRAs will be going the way of the doh-doh bird. Slott says the Stretch is not necessarily the best way to pass an inheritance anyway. Steve and Sinclair examine Slott's recommendations for IRA beneficiaries and alternatives that are superior to the...