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Aug 31, 2018

Reinvesting dividends is one of the most powerful tools available for boosting investment returns over time. It’s not opinion, it is traceable, trackable, mathematical fact. Without reinvesting dividends,  $1,000 dollars invested on January first of 1993 in the MSCI World Index, would have grown to $3,231 dollars by...

Aug 30, 2018

It is a fact: The Social Security trust funds are on a path to run out of money by 2034, leaving only new tax money to pay benefits for the rapidly growing number of retirees. The American population is simply aging too fast!  Official projections show the Social Security trust funds will run out of money entirely by...

Aug 29, 2018

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could buy the stock of the consensus best companies in the U.S., put them in a drawer, forget about them, and wake up one day tripling your original investment?   Warren Buffett once said  “My favorite holding period is forever.” In other words, Buffett has always looked for...

Aug 28, 2018

The Wall Street Journal reports that real estate is becoming a problem sector as interest rates rise. Publicly traded Real Estate Investment Trusts—known as REITS—are impacted negatively by rising rates, causing a Catch 22 for real estate trusts. The better the economy does, the higher interest rates could go which...

Aug 27, 2018

...It’s a MOTLEY FOOL MONDAY!! The Motley Fool is one of America’s most popular radio programs dedicated to making money in the Stock Market. It's been heard by millions of listeners over the years, now you can hear a special broadcast of the Motley Fool every Monday on Mastering Money right after an update of late...