Sep 30, 2015
Federal laws prohibit Individual Retirement Accounts—IRAs-- from continuing on indefinitely after the original owner’s death, which is why the IRS created RMDs, aka Required Minimum Distributions. Some owners of IRAs want to stretch out the payment to beneficiariesafter they pass, to extend the legacy or perhaps...
Sep 29, 2015
Many security and privacy researchers expect a cyber-breach event in America that will make the hack of infidelity site Ashley Madison look like a footnote by comparison says Christopher Mims writing for the Wall Street Journal. The breach could affect not just people seeking extramarital affairs as with the Ashley...
Sep 28, 2015
The recent Volkswagen debacle is a downer for Volkswagen stock, but caused a rally in Palladium--which jumped 9% in a matter of days. In segments two and three, gold expert Nick Grovich goes into detail about why it happened and how it happened. ( Platinum is used in diesel engines, Palladium in gas burning engines.)...
Sep 25, 2015
Janet Yellen is now talking about an imminent raise in rates before the end of the year, citing inflation factors are rising enough to warrant it. Meanwhile, the Social Security Trustees aren't seeing any signs of inflation--in fact they're seeing enough de-flation to eliminate a Cost of Living Adjustment for...
Sep 24, 2015
Social Security Trustees are projecting a "0.0%" Cost of Living Adjustment for 2016, while Part B premiums will rise by 50% for the top 30% of income earners. Steve and Sinclair review the reasons why and the calculations being made according to Jason J. Fichtner, a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at...