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Feb 28, 2018

Today, claiming your social security benefits is complicated and confusing.
There are seemingly an infinite number of options as to how and when to claim your benefits.
And if you don’t claim your benefits at the exact right time …
Or if you don’t consider how this decision could impact your investments, taxes, or...

Feb 27, 2018

Why have over two hundred billion dollars a year of annuities been bought for the past ten years and which annuity makes for the best IRA rollover from a 401k. We’ll reveal that and more in today’s market intel segment 
MASTERING MONEY is on the air! 

Feb 26, 2018

Today on Mastering Money, after an in-depth review of today's breaking news and market trends in segment one,  we'll turn it over to  former Ronald Reagan economist and syndicated talk show host LARRY KUDLOW  in segments two and three! Hear Larry and his high powered guests with timely insights on the the markets,...

Feb 23, 2018

There are over 451,000 people living today who are at least 100 years old. And that number is projected to grow to 2.2 MILLION in just 30 years!
...Living a long and prosperous life is something we all wish for!  But if the markets don't go well, or your investments perform poorly,  would it cause you to run through...

Feb 22, 2018

You did some research, you studied hard,  and you picked several five star rated mutual funds for your IRA, or 401K …You even picked two  of last year’s number one funds in their category! And you felt pretty good about your picks!  But in reality … you just made two of the biggest investing mistakes on Wall...