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Dec 29, 2017

No market rises forever, and even if this market continues its march upward in 2018, we all know a reversal is out there somewhere. If the market does go into a tailspin, experts point out that it will not be individual mom and pop investors that will bring it down, it will likely be quant computers and programmed...

Dec 28, 2017

Today on Mastering Money

Should you own IBM stock? We’ll review the Motley Fool’s opinion of the all new Big Blue and see if its big shift into future technologies will make it a major player in the years and decade ahead. Plus Steve will review the Black Diamond and Blue Diamond investment...

Dec 27, 2017

A new major economic study shows that China’s economy is now responsible for nearly half of all global GDP growth, and will surpass the United States in 2032--the same year that the U.S. Social Security system is due to be underfunded. The study also found that India will surpass China in the second half of...

Dec 26, 2017

Most people are aware of the IRS penalty of 10% for withdrawing money prior to age 59 ½  from an IRA or tax qualified retirement plan like a 401k. However, there are two rules which, if followed correctly, may allow a person to withdraw substantial funds WITHOUT penalty, setting up a steady income stream to cover an...

Dec 22, 2017

Is there any such thing as the perfect investment or the perfect WAY to  invest?  And--is it possible to diversify enough to eliminate risks and still maximize the upside? ..Unfortunately not! 
Risks can be offset, but never eliminated, when you invest in stocks. Today, we’ll explore the world’s most famous...