Dec 30, 2016
More and more self-driving cars are hitting the road, as companies like UBER and GOOGLE enter the fray. Technology has always been seen as a good thing, but self-driving TRUCKS could soon be cutting into the livelihoods of nearly two million American truck drivers on the open Road. Truck driving actually is bigger than that--over 5 million people drive a truck for a living and in 29 states it is the number one occupation and the highest paying job that does not require a college education. That doesn't count the thousands of employees, small businesses, and wage earners who support truck drivers--at truck stops, gas stations, and distribution centers. Is the move to driverless trucks recessionary and deflationary? Steve and Sinclair have the fact-filled report... then CPA Nick Stefaniak is in the house to talk about taxes, taxes, and more taxes!