Sep 26, 2019
Most investors in or near retirement are looking for three main things for their nest eggs: Number 1) ample liquidity, number 2) permanent, worry-free reliable income to cover all expenses, and number 3) an effective and systematic way to grow money in the stock market over time. Mainly, they don't want to lose half their money to the next bear market, and they want to be certain they will never run short of income. Real wealth consists of permanent ample cash flow, not just piles of money that can be lost. That’s why more investors are making life more simple, and bucketing their retirement money into a combination of dividend stocks and high-quality Next Generation income annuities. Today, we'll review the key points you need to know about how to win with dividend stocks, and then CPA Nick Stefaniak joins us for the Q & A. Don't miss it...MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!!