Jun 25, 2021
Almost everyone has heard of Dave Ramsey, the financial radio host who helps people buried in debt--get OUT of debt. Mr. Ramsey does noble work for mostly younger, middle-income families who developed poor financial habits after high school, borrowed rather than saved, and now want a clean slate. We salute those families and Dave's mission of helping them. Dave is an expert on saving, but the financial industry points out that he is not licensed, trained, or qualified to be giving out stock market advice. Money Magazine’s headline of a major two thousand word article on Ramsey reads like this: “SAVE Like Dave Ramsey—Just DON’T Invest Like Him.” Today, we'll review that article and it may SHOCK you! Then health insurance expert Shelley Grandidge joins us for the Q & A. You don't want to miss today's show MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!!