Apr 25, 2018
According to the last census in 2010, there are one hundred and thirty-one million households in the United States. Statistics show that there were about three hundred sixty thousand house fires that year on only one in ten burned to the ground--MEANING-- that the odds of your house burning to the ground are about one in three thousand. Compare that to the odds of needing long-term care for more than a year: Long-term care odds now are a one in two chance for retired men, and a two in three chance for women. In other words, your odds of needing long-term care are one thousand to fifteen hundred times more likely than your house burning down. Today, we'll reveal several smart ways to help cover long-term care expenses that guarantee you will get more out than you put in and in some cases up to seven TIMES more! You don't want to miss today's show! MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!