Dec 27, 2019
The Wall Street Journal reports that Baby boomers are getting
ready to sell ONE QUARTER of America’s homes over the next two
decades. The problem is that many of these properties are in places
where younger people no longer want to live. Analysts are saying
this could be one factor leading to a real estate glut in senior
communities. On the weekend Sun City opened in 1960, says the
Journal, cars were backed up for 2 miles as some ONE HUNDRED
THOUSAND visitors waited to gawk at a village built specifically
for adults over the age of 50. Today, Sun City is a nice town, but
like so many Sun Belt senior living cities, supply has
increased and demand is falling. Today we'll review a time Wall
Street Journal real estate analysis, then mortgage expert
Mitch Boxberger joins us for the Q & A. Don't miss today's show,
MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!!!