Oct 29, 2015
Hold onto your hat and your wallet if you are thinking about a file-and-suspend claiming strategy with your Social Security benefits. The new two-year budget agreement between Congress will close these loopholes—file and suspend in particular-- in the Social Security rules. While it remains to be seen whether the agreement will become law in its current form, the new rules mean that anyone receiving spousal benefits under file-and-suspend would have them terminated next spring, in 2016! Congress is set to negate the various “File and Suspend” strategies that permit spousal and dependent benefits to be paid while the primary earner still receives delayed retirement credits, with no "grandfathering" of benefits. Steve and Sinclair review the early details.
In the Q & A segment, professional actuary Brad Lankford joins the A Team to educate listeners on Defined Benefit and Cash Balance plans for business owners--which can result in contributions and tax deductions of $70,000 to $200,000 or more annually, and create a permanent lifetime retirement benefit.