Jun 26, 2015
Gold expert Nick Grovich of American Federated Coin and Bullion joins the A-Team for the Q & A. Nick will soon be a regular guest on Mastering Money. In the Getting Smart segment, Steve reviews the "770 Account" and "Bank on Yourself". They are heavily marketed on the internet, yet are simply marketing nicknames for what is known as "Overfunded" or "Max Funded" cash value life insurance. IQ Wealth is an authority and primary resource for these types of policies. A surprise to most people-- U.S. banks utilize max funded life policies for a part of their cash reserves. American banks like B of A, Wells Fargo, Chase, and Citi owned a combined $130 billion in this asset. If you're looking for tax preferred status on a portion of your capital while shoring up your estate and long term care plan in one brush stroke, listen in.