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Apr 11, 2016

In this edition of Mastering Money, Steve breaks down the differences between the tax plans of Trump, Cruz, and Hillary Clinton. Steve AND Sinclair review the he differences between the Flat Tax and the Fair Tax-- and the rising concern that Ted Cruz's tax plan includes a consumption VAT tax on top of an income tax! Steve favors the tax plans of Trump and Kasich, because they would tend to bring corporations back to the USA and create more jobs stateside--jobs with better pay that will not require re-educating millions of 45-to-60 year-olds. If corporations keep moving out of the country for tax relief, and closing down entire divisions, the U.S. middle class will shrink further and the poverty/welfare class will keep growing. Hillary's plan raises taxes even further than Obama's plan--and takes away advantages of long term capital gains.  In the Q & A segment, we hear the Mastering Money interview with Steve Forbes, CEO of Forbes Media, previously aired.