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Dec 23, 2020

Is the “Santa Claus rally” real—and does it apply to crazy, zany years like 2020? In the investing world, the uptick in stock market performance at the end of most years is commonly referred to as the "Santa Claus" rally, often bringing investors jolly gains. It is typically followed by what is known as the "January Effect."  But will Santa visit THIS year, and if he does, how many "goodies" will leave us? There are numerous explanations for the causes of a Santa Claus rally including estate tax considerations, a general feeling of optimism on Wall Street because the Fed is keeping rates low, and the investing of holiday bonuses. But are the stars lining up this year? We have a full report for you today, and then Health Insurance expert Shelley Grandidge joins us. A fact filled and entertaining show you don't want to miss...MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!!