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Dec 3, 2015

You think you have it bad with 1% CDs? If you lived in Europe, you'd be thrilled.

In the topsy-turvy world of negative interest rates, the ECB’s deposit rate is minus 0.2%. But yields on the safest government bonds have fallen so far that a substantial slice of the securities the ECB will be looking to buy in their $63 billion dollar a month "stimulus" program, now falls below zero. Two-year German bonds, for instance, yield minus 0.4%.

Bond yields across the eurozone have tumbled, meaning investors are effectively paying a fee to have their money stored. They’d be making more in the mattress. Steve and Sinclair review a Wall Street Journal report on the state of interest rates going into 2016. How will it affect you and your investments?

In the Q & A, CPA Nick Stefaniak joins the A-Team to answer questions on "what happens if your parents or an ex-spouse dies owing a bunch of back taxes?" Are you liable? Always? Sometimes? Join us--Nick has the answers.