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Nov 27, 2018

When markets are flying high, investors don't think about SAFETY for their IRA and 401k rollovers. Being human, they're ready to let the good times roll! After all, what could go wrong? ….Then suddenly, the markets get shaky. That’s when retirees and near-retirees get nervous! For most of the twentieth century, American workers enjoyed defined benefit pension plans rather than 401ks. There wasn’t really a focus on the rate of return they were making, but rather on the income they would receive in retirement. They had a clear, bottom-line goal to shoot for-- that was guaranteed. Today, many smart retirees are choosing newer forms of retirement annuities for their IRA rollovers that can act like both a pension AND an investment! You don't want to miss today's fact-filled show. MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!