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Apr 14, 2017

Social and behavioral scientists say that almost all of us suffer from one of two financial illusions:  the wealth illusion or the poverty illusion. And, which ever one you have, will determine whether you would rather have a million dollar lump sum to retire on, or $50,000 a year for life for both you and your spouse!...

Apr 13, 2017

Why are upscale real-estate developers suddenly offering artists free rent?  The answer: they're looking to up rents by upping their "Cool Quotient!" says the Wall Street Journal.  There's always been an "art scene Paradox": As a neighborhood or city known for its creative community becomes trendy, the artists who made...

Apr 12, 2017

Trend traders are saying that 'Trump trade 1.0 is  now as "dead as a doornail.', but Trump Trade 2.0 is where the action is! Listen to what Nick Colas, Conver-gex chief market strategist has to say. Then,  CNBC's Deirdre Bosa explores how automation and robotics will change the future of the U.S. workforce...

Apr 11, 2017

It's a Tatro Tuesday!  One of Money Radio's all time favorites, Bill Tatro, joins Steve and I today to talk about Trumponomics, tax reform,  and the market forecast as the Trump agenda runs head on into Congress and the looming market shutdown. We'll also hear what Larry Kudlow has...

Apr 10, 2017

Get an update on breaking news of the hour and then catch up on the real estate market happening right now with mortgage expert Joe Capitano.   Joe specializes in both new loans and low cost refinance of current loans. Learn which segments of the market are hot, and which are not!